Put in 15 hour days

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From the desk of Cody Sperber:

Let’s cut to the chase.

The goal is a few hundred leads per month. You want billboards, commercials, and mass mailers going out in the tens of thousands.

There is only one small problem…

You currently have $327 a month available for marketing.

What do you do?

You have champagne taste and a malt liquor budget.

Simply put, you must start where you are and work your way up. And where you are is BROKE, by the way. Let that both embarrass you and motivate you at the same time. Don’t like it? Oh yes you do. If you really didn’t like it, you’d change it. It’s comfortable to you, and you’re scared of anything else. You don’t want the responsibility.

Isn’t that true?

How does that make you feel?

Listen…here’s the truth…money loves speed.  With money…you can go waaaaaaay faster.  Without it, you need to generate the energy the good ole fashion way…

you need to become a networking machine. You need to start networking so consistently and constantly that you literally hand out 95 business cards to imaginary people in your dreams at night.

Doesn’t sound fun, does it? Well how much fun is being broke? Which one is less funner to you?

The answer to that question will determine whether or not you get off your lazy arse and DO something about your life.

You gotta get in the mix, man. Mix it up. Stir it up. Put it in the oven and bake it till a cash cake appears out of nowhere.

Then eat it.

Eating the cash cake is so fun, let me tell you. Oh how glorious when cash cakes just come to you every day. What a life.

But you gotta pay your dues.

No dues? No cake. No cake for you!

Your entire community needs to know that you buy houses and close fast. That you’re the “go to” guy or gal when someone needs their house sold quickly.

How do you plan on accomplishing this?

If you have lots of money then this is easy. If you don’t, then it takes work and high levels of creativity.

Are you willing to work? How willing are you to put in some 15 hour days to really get this thing off the ground? Are you all talk by any chance? Or are you one of those rare souls who actually make something happen in this world? Who are you REALLY?

Get out there and make some friends. Hand your card out to every single person who comes within a 3 foot radius of you. Post on social media 10 times a day until you annoy everyone you’ve ever known…then keep doing it until they block you or sell you a house. 😉

I was just having lunch with a friend of mine who has been in the real estate investing game for years already. He STILL hands his business card out to people in an effort to get new leads. As a matter of fact he just recently did a deal that he made over $20,000 on, and he got it from handing his business card out to a stranger at Starbucks.

It is more comfortable to do nothing. It feels better to stay home and watch Netflix.  But does it feel better really? How do you feel about yourself? About your life? On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you think your spouse respects you and what you have accomplished in life? How does that feel? Do your kids respect you or pity you? How does that feel?

Are you really safer doing nothing?

Me personally, I would rather die doing something than live doing nothing.

Get out there and mix it up. Shake it. Flip it. Bake a cash cake. Eat it. Smash it in your boss’ face. Whatever.

Until you have the funds for the big time marketing… network your way to millions.

Just my 2 cents,

C Sperber

P.S. This Wednesday I am doing a free REI Power Hour with Carlos Reyes from All In and Cole Hatter from Thrive…click this BIG blue link if you want to join us.  We will be covering lead generation, systems, scaling, and creative deal structuring!

P.P.S. Here is a cool video I put out on YT where I break down some tips for Networking!

—> How To Network Like A Boss | Cody Sperber’s Tips

From The Training Vault:

Wanted to give you a free gift real quick…


It’s how I scoop deals off of the largest online classified website.

Recommended Reading:

The One Thing—Gary Keller & Jay Papasan

So, here’s the tough question I had to ask myself while reading this book.

Am I being productive or just busy? 

And then I had to face reality: being busy wasn’t actually getting me closer to reaching my goals.

The problem is, it’s harder and harder to just focus on one thing at a time, so we have to multitask.

Jobs, family, health, finances, social media, and so much more to manage. There’s a lot going on in each and you have to be masterful in time management in order to reach your goals, right?

That’s the common belief at least, but Gary and Jay challenge that with an entirely different perspective.

Can you focus on one thing at a time?

  • Can you identify where you’re wasting time and energy?
  • Can you identify ONE thing in every aspect of your life that will make the most impact at that particular moment?
  • Can you have self-control to only focus on mastering or completing that ONE THING before you move onto something else? 

If you have what it takes to change your mindset, this is for you. It’s a pretty unique way to live because our society is just so proud of being “busy”. 

These guys believe that optimal results correlate to how narrow your focus can be. And, I believe them.

Students Success Story:

Hi everyone. This is Josh, a former student of the Clever Investor program. I just received what I hope is the settlement check from our recent job. This should be one of the largest checks that we go to date. And I just wanted to share this with you and really just thank everyone from Clever Investor for giving me the help that they’ve given me.

$110,000 off of one project. This amount of money for really anybody is potentially life-changing. It could mean paying off a house. It can mean saving up money for your children’s college tuition, you name it. You know, everybody has a usage for something like this, and for me, I just really wanted to thank everyone from Clever Investor.

I want to thank Cody Sperber. I want to thank the trainers. I want to thank all the people who have supported me and provided insight and training to get me to this point. I could not have done it without you guys. You really gave me the push that I think we all need to take that first step into real estate investing.

So I just want to say thank you. And I want to wish everyone else who is currently part of the program; I want to wish everyone luck and I hope they fulfill and achieve their own goals. Thank you very much.

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