Make money doing real estate part time
Get expert advice from real estate moguls – absolutely free! This web class will cover:
Secret #1:
How to use other people’s money to fund your deals. Yes! It is possible to do real estate without using your own money and to start part-time. This is perfect for you if you want to start making money now.
Secret #2:
15 freakishly effective ways I’m closing deals in today’s market. How you can gain the edge against your competition by using proven methods to get better deals (hint: watch for my 3 “ninja” negotiation tactics!)
Secret #3:
How to find deeply discounted houses & put them under contract. Discover the secrets to finding properties below retail cost and how you can find (and close) the best deals even if you don’t have a real estate license.
108 minutes
When you register we’ll also send you Cody’s best selling book.